What we offer


We are a creative agency that focuses on content creation and storytelling through your online presence. Our expertise is in getting to know you, understanding what inspires you, and sharing that with the world in unexpected, innovative, and impactful ways.

Content Creation

Live in the now, and bring your content with you!

There was a time when having the same website for years on end was good. That time was 1997, and those days are long gone. If your practice creates a website, throws content on it, and leaves it that way for years, you are telling your clients you don’t care about your brand. And if you don’t care, why should they? The world demands new content every day, which makes aging websites invalid very quickly. You stay on top of trends in your industry that keep you at the top of your game, offering the latest technology, tools, and treatments to your clients. Why shouldn’t your content reflect that same level of forward momentum and up-to-the-minute relevance? Your clients want to hear what you’re up to, and how invested you are in creating their ultimate treatment experience. From blogs to webpage content to email newsletters, if you don’t keep your content fresh, no one will expect great content from you and they’ll tune you out. (That once or twice a year newsletter isn’t doing you any favors!) Content creation provides a lot of avenues to reach people, but it’s only going to work if you’re willing to be consistent and maintain a forward momentum. MedicalBound can help you by creating a content strategy that will inspire curiosity, brand loyalty, and fresh interest in you and your practice.


Web Design

Our hand-crafted websites showcase your very best.

All of the websites we build here at MedicalBound are rooted in visual content – photo and video content – that is used to drive traffic. The majority of medical marketing companies offer a rubber-stamp web template, a one-size-fits-all staple, and all their customers use some version of it. It’s no wonder that so many medical and dental practice websites look the same! We believe that websites should be ever-evolving, with new content as often as possible – new images, new videos, new page content, and new articles. This way, customers who interact with your site get an ongoing sense of you as an evolving professional practice. In short, we make sure you stay top of mind and stay relevant to the customers you most want to attract.

Social Media

What it is. What it isn’t.
What you need.

There’s a contradiction between what social media actually is and what’s being sold by most marketing firms. Social media is not about throwing content at the wall and seeing what sticks. It’s about engagement. It’s about finding and building a relevant audience based where your business is. It’s about enriching people, not about having a certain number of followers. It’s also not about posting content that stays static for months – or even days – at a time. Your content needs to be part of the web’s ongoing daily flow or it will be left behind. If you’re not part of the conversation, your social media isn’t working for you. If you use social media correctly, you can deliver brand confidence to your ideal customers. You can deliver an experience of what people can expect when they visit or interact with your business. You can also create culture and community. Your social media channel can be a portal that, when people interact with it, express all of the wonderful things that make you and your practice uniquely amazing. At MedicalBound, we create content that helps you document and express the things about yourself that are most authentically you.

Photography & Videography

Visual content is your brand in real time.

Let’s face it: the set-it-and-forget-it headshot days are over. You could post one photo of yourself a day and it still wouldn’t be enough! In fact, the way users on the web are consuming information today, even two photos a day doesn’t quite cut it – and if missing a day dates you, just think of how ancient that photo that’s been sitting on your website for years makes you seem! Yikes. Instant dinosaur. People are ultra-selective with what they take the time to read these days, and visual content – photo and video – is king. No one wants to read another definition of the services you offer. They want to see, feel, and understand what’s going to happen when they work with you and how you will support them through the process. Photo and video provide your customers instant access to you. These mediums tell them why they should work with you and your practice rather than others. Video in particular offers the next best thing to meeting you in person; it is driving content today, and that means you can’t just create a video and be done. Your videos are your conversation with your customers, and they are hungry for meaningful material that shows them why they should care about working with you.

Creative Ad Strategy

Our outside-the-box strategies attract just the right eyes.

As a practice in your given location, you need to have a strategy that targets the people who live or work in your area in order to grow. Our creative ad campaigns reach people by powerfully relating to the demographic of focus you most wish to reach. We use comedy, drama, color, font – really anything that gains the attention of the people you most want to attract. Old ad strategies from the past that focus on played-out stock photos and unrealistic messaging just don’t fly anymore and are easily overlooked. Your ad has to be creatively tailored to tap directly into your target audience. At MedicalBound, we combine our precision expertise with a crew of creative marketing professionals who have their fingers on the pulse of the latest trends. The result is an ad campaign that will make your customers stop and take notice.

Branding & Re-branding

The world is evolving around your brand. Let your brand evolve with it.

It’s all too common for businesses to have a logo created, throw it on all their materials, and forget about it. Just as with websites and professional photos that are left to linger for years on end, however, this set-it-and-forget-it logo mentality is damaging to your brand’s reputation. If you’re going about your business and letting your branding fall by the wayside, you may not realize that your brand isn’t keeping up with the times. No matter how great you are at what you do, if you want to stay relevant to today’s customers, your brand needs to appeal to them. Having someone refresh your brand breathes new life into your business. It also communicates a palpable energy and fresh feeling to your clients, building their confidence in you. And branding is more than just logos. It’s a feeling, from top to bottom. MedicalBound can rebrand your logo and your physical space. From your building itself to the windows to the wall colors to the décor, our experts are on hand to make your practice stand out from the rest. Don’t underestimate the power of color, font, feel, and flow. Ask us about our exterior and interior design options. We merge design, construction, and architecture to build beautiful practices.

what’s happening @medicalbound

Let’s grab a coffee.

We’re eager to meet with you, assess your situation, and discuss what we can do to help you achieve your business goals. Every day without a high-caliber website is another day missing out on potential new clients. So don’t delay!

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