Let’s talk content.

While it might seem easy to grab a templated website, throw up some stock images of happy dental patients, and call it a day, we know that model has no way to stand a chance in today’s ever-evolving online world, with a population who is tired of the same-old. After a decade of marketing dentists, we’ve figured out exactly how to create stand-out marketing that reaches the right people, and that answer is: CONTENT.

Why content? What’s content?

The most immediate way to upgrade your online image and generate new business is to let your personality shine through your practice. How we do that is with creating authentic content: photos, videos, blog posts, and social media stories that engage with the viewer and allow them to see who you are, to see you stand out in your niche.

But can I really get behind a camera?

The short answer is: YES. You truly can. Not only can you, but you have an obligation to if you really want to elevate your brand and practice. We’ve spoken to dentist after dentist, doctor after doctor, who starts out feeling shy and anxious about being seen in this new way. But during and after the shoot? It’s a transformation. An experience that not only creates amazing content that will transform your website, but it creates an inner experience that transform how you work and live. Don’t take our word for it, here it from the docs themselves:

Ok, where do we start?

We’re here to talk and guide you through the process of getting a content shoot booked. It’s the first step we like to take our new clients through, because once you have content – the possibilities are endless.

Let’s start with a conversation to learn more about you and your practice and see if our services are the missing piece to a whole new world for your business!

    Preferred method of contact:
    When was the last time you had a photo or video shoot?

    If so, what results did you achieve with them? Where did they fall short?

    7 + 3 =

    Thanks for sharing your story with us!

    We’ll be in touch within 48 hours to talk next steps.

    what’s happening @medicalbound